Pump Track

We spent many years working with the local community and with Southampton City Council to get a Pump Track built on our estate. After getting lots off young people cycling in our community we found that many of them wanted a place locally to ride. Pump Tracks are very inclusive and accessible for all ages and types of riders, they can be used by bikes, but also scooters, balance bikes and skateboards! We felt this was a great option for our community, with the added positive impacts of increased physical activity and reduced antisocial behaviour from young people.

We were very grateful to receive a grant from Veolia Environmental Trust which was match funded by the council. the council then were able to design and build our track on Sullivan Rec, it was officially opened in February 2023. It is now used by 100s young people. We regularly run ‘Pump Track’ Sessions where we loan out high quality BMX bikes and fullface helmets allowing young people to use bikes they may not normally be able to afford. These generally happen on Friday afternoon in term time and multiple days in the school holidays. We are grateful to funding from HIWCF for grants for the bikes and staff time for the sessions.

Here are a bunch of pictures from the construction phase from October 2022 ro February 2023:

Here are some photos of the opening ceremony in February 202:

Finally here are some photos of the fantastic Wild Flower Meadow that was also created through the building of the Pump Track. Southampton City Council still own and maintain the site, we keep an eye on it and report any issues, as well as running our Pump Track sessions as mentioned.